// First Roll with Lomo’Instant //

I’ve been using instax/polaroid since I was twelve and I always bring my hello kitty instax whenever I travel (except when I can’t afford to buy the refill/pack). I could define my love with instant photography is an eternal love.

As it got older, my instax didn’t work as well as it was and it had been repaired more than I could even remember. At the same time, Lomography released their lomo’instant camera that uses Fujifilm’s instax film. So, I was thinking, maybe it is the time for to get a change.

I did buy the lomo’instant on March, the Mumbai edition that came with the lenses and it was on sale (which was great!). The lenses are fisheye, portrait, and close-up. Also, the 4-color jelly filter that goes to the flash.

I thought it would be as easy as it seems but I failed a lot more than I succeeded. I once forgot to open the lens cap so yeah you know what happened. Often I didn’t know which mode should I use to get a good result. Yes, I recommend y’all to read the manual book 🙂 But here are some of the results from my first trial with lomo’instant.

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